Rep Friske Release

Rep. Friske: Public won’t stand for implementation of radical solar, wind siting rules
RELEASE|March 6, 2024
Contact:Neil Friske

State Rep. Neil Friske today encouraged public participation in two upcoming meetings to consider rule implementation for a new state law that strips away local control over large-scale wind and solar projects.

Friske voted against the controversial plan, which gives the Michigan Public Service Commission authority to supersede local zoning ordinances when considering applications for wind and solar farms. The MPSC is made up of three unelected governor appointees, leaving them with no mandate to consider residents’ concerns over perspective wind and solar projects.

“The public needs to seize this opportunity to further denounce the radical takeover of our rural land,” said Friske, R-Charlevoix. “Local control is essential to the health of our democracy. I know my community stands behind me as I speak out against this left-wing, environmentalist agenda.”

While House Bill 5120 – now Public Act 233 of 2023 – was approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor along partisan lines, the MPSC is now holding “engagement sessions” to take public comment regarding the details of how the new law will be implemented.

The first two sessions will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, and Tuesday, March 19. The virtual meetings will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Details on how to join the meetings are available here or at under the calendar of events.

According to the MPSC, topics of discussion will include application filing guidelines, application fees, use of consultants, pre-application consultations, the development of compatible renewable energy ordinances, and other issues that arise during the process.


March 8, 2023   |   Michigan

Rep. Friske condemns National Popular Vote, attempt to destroy Electoral College

State Rep. Neil Friske is condemning the National Popular Vote (NPV) and the Democrat-led effort to disenfranchise voters in the State of Michigan.

“This attempt to centralize our Republic is nothing short of corrupt authoritarianism,” said Friske, of Charlevoix. “National Popular Vote would take elections out of the hands of Michigan voters and hand them to costal elites. Under this anti-constitutional and tyrannical legislation, Michigan voters would go from having 100% control of their electors in a presidential election, to roughly 3.5%.”

While proponents of NPV legislation claim this only strengthens and solidifies the electoral college, it actually dismembers it and neutralizes any last remnants of constitutional Republican values in the system, according to Friske. For instance, if ‘Candidate A’ took 95% of the vote in Michigan, and ‘Candidate B’ only took 5%, but took the popular vote in the rest of the country, ‘Candidate B’ would technically win Michigan despite only having the support of 5% of Michigan voters.

“We need to make Michigan less like Communist China and more like the constitutional republic our founders were willing to die for,” Friske said. “We owe it to our sons and daughters, grandchildren, and all future generations to preserve our nation and the American way of life.”

March 6, 2023  |   Michigan

Rep. Friske introduces plan to protect Michigan farmland from foreign adversaries

Rep. Neil Friske is taking a stand to prevent foreign governments from purchasing Michigan farmland.

“Across the U.S., one of the most controversial and talked about issues right now is China, and their role within our country,” said Friske, of Charlevoix. “From spying to resource harvesting, Americans are concerned to what extent the Chinese Communist Party holds over their daily lives. Among these are the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to occupy American farmland.”

Due to these concerns, many of which came from constituents within his district, Friske introduced House Bill 4134 to prevent foreign governments from purchasing farmland in Michigan. To ensure all loopholes are closed, foreign government-affiliated enterprises and proxies would also be prevented from making any purchases.

“Our country is constantly under siege by the Chinese Communists,” Friske said. “Adversaries who routinely work against our nation and its inherent values shouldn’t be able to occupy the same soil where our food grows.”

Rep. Friske, with immense experience in both farming and property management, understands the importance of keeping American farmland restricted. The very food Michigan families survive on could be cut off in the blink of an eye if enemies abroad continue their stranglehold on U.S. agriculture, according to Friske.

“HB 4134 is critical for American national security in the State of Michigan,” Friske concluded.